Hi! Any futsal tomorrow?
Hi, there is possible to play futsal tomorrow. I will include possible dates during spring time later today.
Min 12, I'll try to ask players.
Please ask more players as well if possible, the weather should be really good for playing 👍🏼
It would be nice to know e.g. before 18 whether we are able to play today or not.
Min12. By 1800.
That's probably a good deadline.
Apparently not enough players, we tried our best 😕
I'll try to ask for more players, if we are not getting enough players (~12?) early enough, I'll probably go running or something else.
Anybody comming from Myllyoja, Tuira or city center by car?
I guess we have enough players already to be able to play today 👍🏼
Hopefully we will still get some more though.
15-20 min late...
I asked for more players, hopefully we'll get enough.
In if we get at least 10 players.
I'm sure we will easily get more than 10 players, I'll start asking for extra players.
Yeah! I asked a couple players too. I added Erkki.
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